Ministries - Liturgical Ministries » Liturgy Committee

Liturgy Committee

Liturgy is the action of God's assembled people. The purpose of this committee is to oversee and help coordinate most of the liturgies, the sacraments, and other services that take place at Saint Clement Church. It is intended to be representative of all parishioners of the parish in matters pertaining to our celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. This committee is responsible for scheduling, training and overseeing all ministers, hospitality ministers, servers and altar society. The committee is responsible for appropriate decorating of the church during various seasons of the liturgical year. Cathy Barsanti is the chairperson of the committee and is assisted in its deliberations by additional parishioners and our clergy.

 The committee meets approximately six times each year to plan for the liturgical celebrations throughout the year.  In its deliberations, it is guided by the liturgical directives of the Sacred Congregation for Worship in Rome and the Office of Worship of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

Each of the liturgical seasons has its own flavor and the committee strives to accommodate our celebrations accordingly.  The highlight of the liturgical year is the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord and special emphasis is placed upon the season of Lent, leading up to Holy Week and Easter.  Other pivotal points of the year include Christmas and Pentecost, plus the celebrations of the Sundays of the year and its Solemnities.  

The celebrations of the Sacred Liturgy are the heart and soul of the prayer-life of our parish family and the committee's challenge is to create a climate conducive to the worship of Almighty God.  

For more information, please contact Cathy Barsanti.

St. Joseph Mary Tomasi, Patron of Liturgy, Pray for Us.


Cathy Barsanti
Chair - Liturgy Committee