Faith Formation - Youngster Formation » Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

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What is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)?

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based religious formation program for children.  It seeks to create and facilitate a sacred, hands-on space called an atrium, in which both the children and their catechists can hear, ponder, and celebrate the most essential mysteries of the Christian faith as revealed in the Scriptures and the Liturgy.  The atrium is a space where the child develops his/her relationship with God, a relationship which already exists. 

Children are deeply spiritual and their relationship with God comes easily to them.  In the atrium, they learn the vocabulary of the Church, ponder the question “Who are you Jesus?” and learn to pray and listen to God.  They work at their own pace with hands-on materials and presentations that include the Holy Bible, the liturgy, and the sacraments.  They celebrate the great love God has for them and build a strong faith foundation.  That foundation calls forth a response from the child to serve God and others.

Early in Dr. Maria Montessori’s work, a child said to her, “help me to help myself”, rather than doing it for me.  In the atrium, the cry of the child is seen as “help me to come to God by myself.”

To learn more about the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, which was developed in 1954 by two Roman Catholic laywomen, Sophia Cavalletti and Gionna Gobbi in Rome, visit the CGS website

Program Offerings: Level I - Level III

Level I classes (3-6 years old, preschool and kindergarten) will be offered once a week on Mondays 4:15-6:00, Tuesdays 4:16-6:00 or Thursdays 4:15-6:00. Children must be fully potty trained to attend these classes.
Level II classes (1st- 3rd grade) will be offered after school on Tuesdays 4:00-5:40 or Thursdays 4:15-6:00.  
A new Level II/III class (3rd-6th grade) will be offered on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:40. We request that children have a year of prior CGS experience to attend these Level II & III classes. Space is limited. 

Program Offerings: Toddler Class

A Parent/Child Toddler class (ages 15-36 months) is offered once a week on Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM. Start immersing your toddler into the life of the Church and meet other families with children the same age.  This class is offered in 2 sessions. You may choose to sign up for one or more sessions. If you also have an infant under 1 year old, you may bring them to the class at no additional charge.
See "Documents" for Calendar 

Program Costs:

Tuition information for the 2025-26 year will be forthcoming prior to registration.  Payment plans will be available.


Registration is expected at the end of February for parishioners and early March for non-parishioners. Watch the bulletin for details or get added to the list to be notified when registration is available by emailing [email protected]. Please indicate if you are a parishioner or non-parishioner in your email.