Trivia Night
Mark your calendars for the annual Knights of Columbus Trivia Night on Friday, November 22. This year's theme is "Ugly Christmas Sweater." Please join us for a night of trivia and fun. Wear your best (or worst) Christmas sweater Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and questions begin at 7:00 p.m.

The cost is $50/couple or $250/table of 10. Beer, wine, soda, water and snacks will be provided. You may bring a check to rectory (made payable to "St. Clement of Rome Knights of Columbus") or pay by Venmo to @Bill-Meirink. We encourage everyone to attend this fun-filled evening.
To register, download a registration form (see link below) and return it to the rectory.
For every table purchased by a St. Clement of Rome School family, Home & School will receive $100. In addition to paying by check or Venmo, St. Clement of Rome School families may also pay through their FACTS account.
Questions? Contact Bill Meirink at [email protected]